Lentokone lähti Helsingistä klo 7.00 ja lento kesti 1h40min. Saavuttuamme Kööpenhaminaan odotimme lentoa, joka lähti klo 11.50. Pitkän odottelun jälkeen pääsimme koneeseen ja matka Madridia kohti alkoi. Madridin lentokentällä tapasin Norjalaisen vaihtarin jonka kanssa asun samassa talossa. Kentällä meitä odotti meidän isäntäperheen isä ja äiti, he veivät meidät autolle ja matka kohti kotia alkoi!

Kotiin päästyämme saimme kierroksen kodista, johon kuuluu mm. uima-allas, kolme kylpyhuonetta ja iso viihdehuone alakerrassa. Tapasimme myös siskomme. Perheeseen kuuluu siis äiti (Raquel), isä (José), isosisko (Rocio) ja pikkusisko (Eva Maria). Söimme välipalan ja lähdimme lähellä olevaan kauppakeskukseen. Kauppakeskuksessa kiertelimme ja söimme Frozen Yogurtit. Sen jälkeen palasimme kotiin ja menimme kaikki istumaan yhdessä pihalle. Keskustelu oli takkuista (Ainakin minun osalta) ja olen huomannut saaneeni uuden parhaan ystävän, google kääntäjän. Toisaalta huomaan jo nyt, että Espanjani on kehittynyt verrattuna esimerkiksi tähän aamuun.

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My Norwegian friend Thora, follow her exchange year at: http://thoratheexplorer.wordpress.com/?ref=spelling |
First day in Spain:
Today my alarm was at 4.30AM. I said goodbye to Winston (My dog) and we drove to the airport. At the airport we met an Explorius employee who guided us through the airport so that we would safely get to where we're supposed to be. Before going through the security checks, we said goodbye to our families. 10 months is a long time but with the help of Skype and Whatsapp, it doesn't feel so bad.
Today my alarm was at 4.30AM. I said goodbye to Winston (My dog) and we drove to the airport. At the airport we met an Explorius employee who guided us through the airport so that we would safely get to where we're supposed to be. Before going through the security checks, we said goodbye to our families. 10 months is a long time but with the help of Skype and Whatsapp, it doesn't feel so bad.
The plane left from Helsinki at 7.00 and the flight to Copenhagen took 1h40min. After arriving at Copenhagen we waited for the flight to Madrid which left at 11.50. After a long wait we finally got to the plane and the travel to Spain begun. At the airport in Madrid I met a Norwegian exchange student, Thora, who was going to be living in the same family as I. Our host family was waiting for us at the airport and the travel to our home started.
After arriving at home we got a house tour. The house is very nice, it has a swimming pool, three bathrooms and a big entertainment room downstairs. We also met our sisters. In the family there is the mother (Raquel), Father (José), big sister (Rocio) and the little sister (Eva Maria). We ate some snacks and then we went to a nearby shopping centre. We walked around the mall and ate Frozen yogurts. After seeing the mall we came back to the house and we sat in the garden all together. The conversation was far from smooth (at least my part of it) and I have noticed that I have gotten a new best friend, Google translator. Aside from that, I have noticed that I'm better in Spanish than I was this morning, development, yey!
After sitting a while we ate and went out with Rocio and her friends. The evening turned out to be longer than expected and that's why I'm writing this text at around two o'clock in the night. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 12.00 so I'm happy to get some sleep. All in all I cannot complain, my host family is very nice and I've made a lot of new friends. If I have time, I'll write more tomorrow. ¡Hasta mañana!
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